Struggling to get taxonomy list/single pages to show

I feel like I’ve followed the instructions outlined in the taxonomy pages of the content and template sections, but when I navigate to http://localhost/categories I see nothing, as well as in public/ after a build. I have no. idea. what I’m missing and would really appreciate some guidance.

In my config.toml I added:

taxonomies = [
  { name = "categories", feed = true }

and in content/blog/example/ I added

categories = ["example"]

Then in templates/categories/list.html as well as templates/categories/single.html I extended my base template and added some dummy content between my {% block content %}

… but still I see nothing. Is there something else that I need to do?

take a look to zola’s themes and examples of list and singe templates (like mine here ).

Hi Roman, thanks for the reply and the concise example. I was able to figure out the problem: my taxonomies key in config.toml was accidentally a field of another toml table. I thought that linebreaks were good enough to separate keys from one table, with the root document… but now I know that. Very frustrating yet simple to fix.

It would be a great feature to throw an exception during build if there are disallowed/unreachable config keys. Since you can’t use your own config keys unless they’re sort of ‘namespaces’ under [extra] anyway, I don’t see why this wouldn’t be a problem and can only be helpful.

In retrospect the TOML rule is obvious, now that I know it, but in case you don’t, Zola should warn you about unusable config keys.

The worst part of TOML by far…
I don’t think we can warn because people can have whatever structure they want. It might not be reachable in Zola but it might be used by something else.

It might not be reachable in Zola but it might be used by something else.

Yeah, that’s a good point. I guess once you get past any configuration issues like that, you don’t really run into them again, so it’s probably not worth adding any additional complexity to the app, like a doctor command that could help audit potential errors.

One thing I like about the app is simplicity, with the complexity put into the a good design of the commenting/templating system.