Multilanguage site uses incorrect template

what is the procedure for selecting the template for a localized page.

the incorrect template is getting picked up despite the file clearly specifying a section and page template.

the section reverts to index.html while the page spits out the following:

“You’re seeing this page because we couldn’t find a template to render.”

The variables are independent of the language, you need to put the template in each _index.{lang}.md if you want to use it

So one needs a and etc for each language. all right. That works fine. Thanks

OK so what about such things as menu items or in the example case summary

summary = "Mio blog"

# translations for the default language are not prefixed by languages.code
summary = "My blog"

In the template, none of the following function as expected


Detecting the current page lang using {{page.lang}} works but …

You’re meant to to use the trans Tera function

trans(key=“”, lang = lang )