Different versions of a template for different languages?

Hi there! I’m new to zola, and I’m messing around with it trying to set up a multi-language blog. I’m trying to make multiple versions of my templates for the different languages, but I can’t seem to do that. I’d like to have index.html and index.jp.html and have the first one displayed on {BASE_URL}/ and the second one displayed on {BASE_URL}/jp. I tried to do this but it didn’t work and just directed everything to index.html.

Is this possible? If not, I think it could be a good feature to add.

It’s not possible currently. There should be a version dedicated to multi languages but that’s for the far future

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Okay, no worries. I found an easy workaround anyway, which is to just make an empty index.jp.md which uses index.jp.html as its template. That works for me for now :+1:

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