First step failed

Hello. I am newbie with Zola. And the first steps go wrong. So, please, show me somebody the light.

I use Windows 10. zola.exe version 0.13.0
First part:
Lets build already done blog example…

I have dowloaded theme:
git clone ...blabla/zola-clean-blog.git "D:\Dev\Zola\"

zola.exe -r "D:\Dev\Zola\zola-clean-blog\" build

It does nothing - after 10 min trying and failing - the last backslash is wrong! WTF?
New try:

zola.exe -r "D:\Dev\Zola\zola-clean-blog" build

Building site... 'highlight_code' has been moved to a [markdown] section. Top level 'highlight_code' and 'highlight_theme' will stop working in 0.14. -> Creating 13 pages (0 orphan), 2 sections, and processing 0 images Failed to build the site Error: Failed to render page '//?/D:/Dev/Zola/zola-clean-blog/content/pages\' Reason: Tried to render about.html but the template wasn't found

I don’t get it. What is wrong? It is example from official site… Backslash again in front of Because my friend did the same stuff on Linux and success - he is lucky with princess now…

Second part:
Lets say, that first part is clear and I am able to build example…
What steps I have todo, if I want my own functional blog with this theme?
My goal is to have the same content but first page will be “Hello František” (not Start bootstrap)

zola.exe init "D:\Dev\Zola\blog" creates dir structure.

git clone "D:\Dev\Zola\blog\themes"

I have changed config.toml - this is my version

#The URL the site will be built for
base_url = “

theme = “zola-clean-blog”

taxonomies = [
{name = “categories”, rss = true, paginate_by=5},
{name = “tags”, rss = true, paginate_by=5},

#Whether to automatically compile all Sass files in the sass directory
compile_sass = true

#Whether to build a search index to be used later on by a JavaScript library
build_search_index = true

#Whether to do syntax highlighting
#Theme can be customised by setting the ‘highlight_theme’ variable to a theme supported by Zola
highlight_code = true

#Put all your custom variables here

Now, if I want similar content like exists in theme, I have to copy MD files from theme to my structure and modify it?
Then run this and I am done?
zola.exe -r "D:\Dev\Zola\blog" build

Because it doesn’t work.

Hello, cloning and building/serving GitHub - dave-tucker/zola-clean-blog: A port of the StartBootsrap Clean Blog theme for Zola works fine on my end but i’m not using Windows.

Could you maybe try from the site’s folder to just run zola build or zola serve and paste here (in a codeblock) the entire output? This may be a bug related to how -r flag is handled (because windows paths are weird and maybe they’re not treated correctly in this part of the code).

Thanks for answer.

You are right. Flag -r must be broken.
I have built zola-clean-blog directly from directory (D:\Dev\Zola\zola-clean-blog) - and everything works like a charm.
There are missing twitter icons, but it is not critical and I still haven’t investigated this problem… So…

Thank you again.

Too bad! Two questions:

  1. Could you try using -r with a relative link (i don’t know how these work on windows but on a free system i’d do something like -r myfolder/mysite) and see if that works?
  2. Do you feel comfortable programming in Rust? If so would you like to try and fix this issue? Even if you don’t have experience in Rust, it should not be a hard problem as long as you have a little programming experience

Here is the issue on the bugtracker

I don’t know what you are talking about (i don’t use this theme), but if something is not working on a theme recommended by Zola then it’s definitely a bug so feel free to point it out more specifically :slight_smile:

Hello again.

1.) I have tried relative path

zola -r "./zola-clean-blog" build

But it failed too

Building site...
'highlight_code' has been moved to a [markdown] section. Top level 'highlight_code' and 'highlight_theme' will stop working in 0.14.
-> Creating 13 pages (0 orphan), 2 sections, and processing 0 images
Failed to build the site
Error: Failed to render page '//?/D:/Dev/Zola/blog/themes/zola-clean-blog/content/pages\'
Reason: Tried to render `contact.html` but the template wasn't found

2.) RUST - I just know that it is programming language - maybe similar to c++. I am a programmer. But free time is a problem…

Hi. Sorry:

There are missing RSS content when I click on RSS icon

is right note…

When I run zola serve in zola-clean-blog it shows 404 Not Found.
And original config contains

generate_rss = true

Can you zip and upload your project here? I’m guessing there is a small misconfiguration or Windows issue, it looks like it’s not finding the theme.

windows build of zola-clean-blog

Ah those options have been renamed!


# The URL the site will be built for
base_url = ""
generate_feed = true
compile_sass = true

title = "Start Bootstrap"
description = "A blog theme by Start Bootstrap"
highlight_code = true

taxonomies = [
    {name = "categories", feed = true, paginate_by=5},
    {name = "tags", feed = true, paginate_by=5},

author = "Dave"
clean_blog_menu = [
    {url = "$BASE_URL", name = "Home"},
    {url = "$BASE_URL/about", name = "About"},
    {url = "$BASE_URL/contact", name = "Contact"}
clean_blog_social = [
    {url = "", icon="fab fa-twitter"},
    {url = "$BASE_URL/rss.xml", icon="fas fa-rss"}

in the config.toml

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Heh, I get an error 451 on that site. What is this?