Zola theme not working

The zola theme works when used on zola serve but there is no CSS when I open index.html file in public directory after zola build

I am using the duckquill theme from the zola themes page

Are you publishing the site? Have you checked for errors on the browser console?

My guess is it has to do with the base_url in config.toml. It’s likely your browser is trying to find the CSS in that base_url, but, since you’re opening it locally (I assume) and the page isn’t live, it fails to load.

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I am having a similar problem. I have a theme installed but when i am working on developing it i do not get any css or changes. I see the build css in my public directory but when i serve i don’t see any of the changes.

no errors on browser console. I am attempting to try the “anatole-zola” theme
i have
theme = "anatole-zola"
in my config and the theme installed.
When i serve the static site no changes are apparent.
my live un-styled deployment is here: networkspirits.com

I’ve tried setting up a new site with that theme but encountered too many errors.

Does zola serve work as expected?

Do you have a public repository for the site? It would help troubleshooting.