Zola Serve Error

I get the following error when I do ‘zola check’ or ‘zola serve’

OS is Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) armv7l
and zola is installed using snap
What am I doing wrong??? Please help me decipher and understand the error.

That’s a TOML error, they are not ideal. I guess you probably need to update your config.toml for multiple languages if you’re using 0.14
It looks like zola/config.toml at master · getzola/zola · GitHub now

My thought was to remove the current Zola version(0.14.0) from snap and install the previous one(0.13.0).
But snap only allows installation of the latest one and not a version of your choice. How can one do that??
I could also completely remove the snap installation of Zola and do a normal install using dpkg(sudo dpkg -i zola_amd64_debian<debian_version>.deb) if only a .deb existed for armv7 architecture?

Please help

it’s much more easier to build binary from scratch, try something like this (with proper branch in git clone)

curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh
apt install build-essential libsqlite3-dev pkg-config pkg-config sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev libssl-dev git
git clone https://github.com/getzola/zola.git
cd zola
cargo build --release

and you’ll get the binary ready to work on RPi