RFQ: Converting Pelican (with reStructuredText) blog to Zola

I checked the guidelines but am not quite sure if this post is acceptable here – please feel free to close if not (I also don’t know if many people who would be interested in this sort of thing are hanging out here.) Since it is a pretty specific project I figured that it might be worth asking here.

I have a blog with 16 posts on https://dirkjan.ochtman.nl/. Currently, this is generated using Pelican from a Git repository containing reStructuredText posts. I would like to have this converted to a Zola setup using Markdown for posts, while otherwise maintaining the layout (including syntax-highlighted code samples) and of course making sure that my post URLs don’t change.

I would like to pay someone to take care of this for me so I can focus on other things. Please DM me (or contact me on Discord, Twitter DMs, email) to let me know something about what work you’ve done so far that makes you think you’re qualified for this, when you can get it done and how much you think you should be paid for it.

Also happy to answer questions on the project here.