It’s a simple blog site, but I have different partial templates. So what I am trying to do is, In the .md file I have a blog post, I am trying to use a shortcode to resize the image in the blog post.
Now as per the documentations, the output name is hash of the function signature. But now how do I use the same name in the different partial template.
For example:
I have image in post1.md file which is inserted using shortcode, and the code for shortcode is as follow and the filename is resize_image.html:
{% set image = resize_image(path=path, width=520, height=345, op="fit", format="webp") %}
class = "rounded-lg"
src="{{ image.url }}"
width="{{ image.width }}"
height="{{ image.height }}"
Now we get the url in image.url, I got that from the document, now I also need conditionally add the link tag that preloads the image if we are on that page. I have got the below till now, but am having problem with the image link.
I have the following on my head.html
{% include "injects/preload_blogs_content_images.html" ignore missing %}
I have the below in my preload_blogs_content_images.html
{% if current_path and current_path == '/post1/' %}
<link rel="preload" as="image" href="{{ get_url(path=`?`) }}" />
{% endif %}
Now, how do I reference the same image or can we auto do this from the shortcode or any other way we can achieve this.
Really appreciate you help, thank you.