Get_taxonomy return value

It is not clear in the documentation what the get_taxonomy function returns.

We might want to add that it returns an object with kind and items.

Here is some code I used to find it out:

{% for t in config.taxonomies %}
    Name: {{}}<br>
    {% set taxonomy = get_taxonomy( %}
    get_taxonomy: {{taxonomy}}<br>
    kind (taxonomy config): {{taxonomy.kind}}<br>
    items: {{taxonomy.items}}, length: {% set length = taxonomy.items | length %}{{length}}<br>
    {% for item in taxonomy.items %}
        {{ }}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

If someone wants to browse the whole taxonomy tree:

{% for t in config.taxonomies %}
    {% set taxonomy = get_taxonomy( %}
    <li>{{}} ({{ taxonomy.items | length }})</li>
    {% for item in taxonomy.items %}
        {% set url = get_taxonomy_url(, %}
        <li><a href="{{url}}">{{ }}</a> ({{ item.pages | length }})</li>
            {% for p in item.pages %}
                <li><a href="{{p.permalink}}">{{p.title}}</a></li>
            {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endfor %}

I’ve already added to the next branch

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Sorry, I’m usually reading the documentation from the website, thanks for your answer :slight_smile: