Zola 12 RSS Issues

RSS Issues In Zola 12

I’ve just got round to doing some testing on the new Zola 12. My first action is always to generate a site with the last version of Zola (11) and then I generate one with the new version (12).

zola build -u https://adeptenglish.com -o ..\deployment\ZOLA11
Building site...
-> Creating 178 pages (0 orphan), 6 sections, and processing 0 images
Done in 28.4s.

Then using the new zola…

zola build -u https://adeptenglish.com -o ..\deployment\ZOLA12
Building site...
-> Creating 178 pages (0 orphan), 6 sections, and processing 0 images
Done in 35.6s.

Note: It’s slower to generate the site. I will take some time to run more tests later.

I then run a diff against the outputs. And focusing on the RSS output for now. (Our podcast RSS feed is very important so we always check this in detail.)

Main Site RSS Feed (Root)

Zola 11 output…


Zola 12 output…

&lt;span id=&quot;continue-reading&quot;&gt;&lt;&#x2F;span&gt;
&lt;p&gt;Click on the &lt;cod</content>

Zola 11 output…


Zola 12 output…

&lt;span id=&quot;continue-readi</content>

This new code has been inserted and it seems to be truncated, the HTML tags are not terminated correctly. The HTML is escaped (it shouldnt be)

Custom Taxonomy RSS

Zola 11 output…

<h3>Discover Adept English the modern way to learn to speak English.</h3> 

Zola 12 output…

<span id="continue-readi<h3>Discover Adept English the modern way to learn to speak English.</h3> 

Invalid HTML inserted. The tag is not closed. Looks truncated.

Zola 11 output…

          <img style="padding: 3px;" class="image is-pulled-left is-64x64" src="/img/icons/flower.svg"
      title="Adept English flower icon"
      alt="One of our back to school pencil style doodle icons called flower.">

Zola 12 output…

	<pre><code>      &lt;img style=&quot;padding: 3px;&quot; class=&quot;image is-pulled-left is-64x64&quot; src=&quot;/img/icons/flower.svg&quot;
  title=&quot;Adept English flower icon&quot;
  alt=&quot;One of our back to school pencil style doodle icons called flower.&quot;&gt;

<span> changed to <pre><code> which I guess someone thought was important but -Note that the content has been changed to escaped without any request for this.

Zola 11 output…

<h3>Discover Adept English the modern way to learn to speak English.</h3> 

Zola 12 output…

<span id="continue-reading"></span>
<p>If you want to le<h3>Discover Adept English the modern way to learn to speak English.</h3> 

Notice that the paragraph tag is truncated and does not terminate correctly.

Summary Observations

Note: I pulled all output directly from the diff output, its a cut and paste of each line.

  • I think there is inconsistent escaping of inserted HTML.
  • I think there is new HTML being inserted that get truncated.
  • The continue reading link is not relevant to most RSS output, yet now it’s automatically inserted.
  • The truncated HTML is generating unclosed HTML tags.

The main issue is that these RSS feeds no longer parse successfully.

Feed checker

Thanks for reading this far :slight_smile:

Whoa looks like this continue reading is messing up a lot. I’ll dig into that asap

The slowness is very worrying, is that using a release version of zola? That seems way way way too slow. The Zola docs have 63 + some image processing and it is done in around 350ms on my machine.

Thanks for looking into the continue-reading.

Yes our site has always been 20+ seconds to build. We only use release versions from here, or more normally we use chocolatey on Windows. Which is currently still at V11.

λ choco list zola -a
Chocolatey v0.10.15
zola 0.9.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.5.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.10.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.10.1 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.6.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.11.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.7.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
zola 0.8.0 [Approved] Downloads cached for licensed users
8 packages found.

We always assumed it was the number of taxonomies and tags we are using:

Tags list…

And the fact our average article length is 2000+ words * 178 pages = Very slow to generate the search_index.en.js (8mb file)

We’ve not got to implementing the new search features yet, with we were hoping to dramatically reduce the index size and speed up site build time.

Can you disable the search index just to see the time it takes without?


build_search_index = true

Console output Zola 12 Search on

C:\Users\Iria\Zola\production (master -> origin)
λ zola serve -i -p 2015 -u
Building site...
-> Creating 178 pages (0 orphan), 6 sections, and processing 0 images
Done in 31.0s.

Listening for changes in C:\Users\Iria\Zola\production{config.toml, content, static, templates}
Press Ctrl+C to stop

Web server is available at

Console output Zola 12 Search OFF

build_search_index = false
C:\Users\Iria\Zola\production (master -> origin)
λ zola serve -i -p 2015 -u
Building site...
-> Creating 178 pages (0 orphan), 6 sections, and processing 0 images
Done in 24.3s.

Listening for changes in C:\Users\Iria\Zola\production{config.toml, content, static, templates}
Press Ctrl+C to stop

Web server is available at

It’s about 7 seconds difference.

Hmm even without search index it’s about 24-30x slower than what I would expect. I’ll dig into that after fixing the continue reading issue

I messaged you about providing a site, for performance testing.

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