Understand differences to Jekyll

I’m porting a website from Jekyll to Zola.
What helps me a lot to understand the different objekt model is this snippet, placed in the main template.

    <font size="1px" face="courier">
      {{ __tera_context | striptags }}
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I’ll include this in a “Porting from other SSGs” section in the documentation.

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Another difference that gets easily overlooked is this:

Tera doesn’t offer passing a custom context to the include tag. If you want to do that, use macros.

This is a better version. It is rendered in pretty structure and can be switched on and off with a boolean extra.debug=true in config.toml

  {% if config.extra.debug %}
<font size="1px" face="courier">

    {{ __tera_context | striptags }}
  {% endif %}