8bit Zola

Just finished porting from Jekyll, this is impressive! Managed to move 100% of the layout and improve some stuff along the way. And Tera, very nice!!

Tho CSP with GitHub is a bit awkward:

{% if page.extra.image %}
  {% set page_image_hash = get_hash(literal=macros::image_style(url=page.extra.image), base64=true, sha_type=512) %}
{% endif %}

Maybe theres a better way (besides moving out)

Oh, forgot about 404 :sweat_smile:


Tho CSP with GitHub is a bit awkward:

Is the image a URL or a path to an image in the repo?

@keats Right now post images are local, but the issue is with the style tag cause I can not move this into the main SASS file:

{%- macro image_style(url) -%}
#posts.inner-post-page .block-left {background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url("{{ url }}") no-repeat;background-size: cover;}
{%- endmacro image_style -%}

There is probably a nicer way to do it:

{% if page.extra.image %}
  {% set page_image_hash = get_hash(literal=macros::image_style(url=page.extra.image), base64=true, sha_type=512) %}
{% else %}
  {% set default_post_image_hash = get_hash(literal=macros::image_style(url=get_url(path=config.extra.default_post_image)), base64=true, sha_type=512) %}
{% endif %}
{% set main_images_hash = get_hash(literal=macros::main_images_style(home_url=get_url(path=config.extra.home_image), posts_url=get_url(path=config.extra.post_list_image)), base64=true, sha_type=512) %}


{%- macro main_images_style(home_url, posts_url) -%}
#posts .block-left {background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url("{{ posts_url | safe }}") no-repeat;background-size: cover, cover;} .block-left {background: linear-gradient(rgba(44,45,51,0.9), rgba(44,45,51,0.9)), url("{{ home_url | safe }}") no-repeat;background-size: cover;}
{%- endmacro main_images_style -%}

{%- macro image_style(url) -%}
#posts.inner-post-page .block-left {background: linear-gradient(rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5), rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5)), url("{{ url | safe }}") no-repeat;background-size: cover;}
{%- endmacro image_style -%}

CSP value for external images in posts:

{% if page.extra.image %}{% if page.extra.image is starting_with("https://") %}{{ page.extra.image }}{% endif %}{% endif %}

CSP value for css:

{% if page_image_hash %}'sha512-{{ page_image_hash | safe }}'{% else %}'sha512-{{ default_post_image_hash | safe }}'{% endif %} 'sha512-{{ main_images_hash | safe }}

This is still not enough for GHP due the lack of header tunings so I moved to netlify https://failsafe.monster/

my port is now public GitHub - charlesrocket/halve-z: Retro two-column theme for Zola