[SOLVED]Zola build returning TOML datetime error

Starting to add content. First I got an error because my front matter was all YAML. Oops!

So I went back to my previous version and ran the Hugo conversion. Now I get the following:

    Building site...
Failed to build the site
Error: Error when parsing front matter of page `/home/donblanco/Documents/glenn.thedixons.net/content/code-snippets.md`
Reason: invalid type: string "2018-07-21T22:05:25+00:00", expected a TOML datetime for key `date`

I checked the format against the official TOML documentation and it seems to match:

So what do I need to change? I have a similar timestamp in all 160 posts/pages on this site…

OK, my bad - TOML dates need to be unquoted.

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