Snip Shortcode

Add a snip shortcode that’s a more specialised load_data (or potentially integrate this functionality into load_data to only load certain lines from a file. My specific use case was loading loading code files as examples, and while I got it working to a large extent with some ugly loop logic, I gave up on “normalizing” indentation, i.e. removing extra indentation in files so that all lines had an amount of white space removed from them till any line had no more white space in the starting.


should became


I’m not quite sure about the exact indentation removal algorithm (how to deal with mixed tabs and spaces), but I think this could certainly be worthwhile.
Previously, I had a Python server listening on port 8000 and load_data(url="https://localhost:8000/trim_file?file=afile.txt;line_start=10;line_end=15") which wasn’t the best experience, and I was concerned if it would interfere with caching. (Since the file could change but Zola wouldn’t be able to detect a change since it’s hidden behind an opaque interface)