Pagination not being generated

I have news.html with the contents

{% extends "base.html" %}

{% block content %}
<div class="post-list">
    <h1>All posts</h1>

    {% for year, posts in section.pages | group_by(attribute="year") %}
    <h2>{{ year }}</h2>

        {% for post in posts %}
        <li><a href="{{ post.permalink }}">{{ post.title }}</a></li>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}

but posts don’t show up. My Contents folder looks something like this:

└ news/
  └ 2019
    └ 08

and so on. contents/news/ looks like this:


(As a side note, I can’t reference {{ page.title }} from news.html without getting Reason: Variable page.title not found in context while rendering 'news.html' despite the fact I set the title.)

Pagination is not enabled in your example: but in your case if you want to follow that structure, you will need to create a in each folder and add transparent to it to pass it up to the news section. The section in is pretty much your end goal, look at the 2018 folder to see transparent.

news.html is your section template so there isn’t a page variable, hence the error, try {{section.title}}

It still isn’t working. I flattened things a bit so the directory looks like this now:

└ news/

The front matter of news/ is

title = "News"
template = "news.html"
paginate_by = 10

Changing it from {{page.title}} to {{section.title}} fixed that issue, thanks!

Aha! Changing line 7 of news.html from {% for year, posts in section.pages | group_by(attribute="year") %} to {% for year, posts in paginator.pages | group_by(attribute="year") %} gets it working.

One more question, can I access it this from multiple places? Like, the 5 most recent posts on the main page, the paginator on /news, and an archive page that has every single post in a list. I tried duplicating what I have in news.html in my index.html for the main page, but no luck.

One more question, can I access it this from multiple places?

You can call get_section (Overview | Zola) which will get the section with the pages unpaginated.
For the archive, it isn’t currently possible.

I tried using

    {% set recent_changes = get_section(path="news/") %}
    {{ recent_changes }}

but it only returns [object] on the rendered html. Do I have to use for like with the pagination?

Shame about the archive, I guess the pagination will be enough.

Yep, this returns a section: Sections and Pages | Zola and you want to iterate on recent_changes.pages in that template

That works now, but I can’t figure out how to limit it to X posts. It grabs every single one, and I don’t think I can use paginate_by to limit it? I tried {% if loop.index > 5 %} inside {% for page in recent_changes.pages %} but no luck.

Edit: I should have been using < (less-than), not > (greater-than). {% if loop.index < 5 %} does what I want!

Based on the stuff above I figured out how to create an archive though! For anyone in the future looking to do the same thing, here’s what I did.


{% extends "base.html" %}
{% block title %}{{ section.title }}{% endblock title %}
{% block content %}
<h2>News Archive</h2>
    {% set recent_changes = get_section(path="news/") %}
    {% for page in recent_changes.pages %}
    {% if and not page.template %}
        {{}} - <a href="{{ page.permalink | safe }}">{{ page.title }}</a>
    {% endif %}
    {% endfor %}
{% endblock content %}


title = "News Archive"
template = "archive.html"

You can also do {% for page in recent_changes.pages | slice(end=4) %} to remove the need for the if. end is 0-indexed, hence 4.

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That’s a much nicer way of doing it, thank you!