I’ve exported my site from Wordpress as a static site and moved it to the static directory. Zola gives a faithful reproduction of my website when I run:
zola build; zola serve
Of course, the legacy blog is now unmaintainable without Wordpress and that’s what I want Zola to replace. The documentation is very good, but I’m not sure where to start. My homepage is a static page and I have head.html and foot.html files in the template directory giving me consistent menus and footers across the site. So I just need an index page for the blog to live at /blog. Then I’ll start recreating each blog entry in markdown. Any pointers appreciated!
Replying to my own post because an AI chatbot helped me figure it out. I don’t know if all of these steps were necessary, but this is what helped add a path to my static site where Zola can manage the blog:
Edit config.toml and under [extra] add: blog = "/blog/[slug]"
/blog is the path I want the blog index to be at and [slug] represents the varying titles of each potential blog post. On the filesystem though, this has to be created in content, so something like ‘mkdir content/blog’.
In the templates directory, create section.html that will be used as the index page. Mine looks like this, but it’s just a functional test:
In the content/blog directory, create an _index.md. Mine contains:
title = "My Blog"
# Welcome to my new blog
For each blog post you want, create a markdown file in the content/blog directory following the formatting guidelines.
I’m not clear why both the section.html and the _index.md are necessary. Can anyone explain that? Also, the “Welcome to my new blog” text in step 3 does not show so I obviously need to learn more about what elements of sections are and are not used to build the blog.
I’d recommend reading the Zola overview. Overview | Zola It walks through the difference between a section, page, and template.
At a high level, Zola splits your content from rendering templates. They go in content where a section maps to a path (i.e. content/blog would be /blog). The _index.md specifies attributes about this section type and can also have content which would be displayed at /blog
All other markdown pages inside content/blog (in this example) would become /blog/[slug] where the slug is the slugified pathname or the name in the frontmatter.
You specify for these what template to use in the _index.md with template (for section) and page_template for pages.
If you want the section’s _index.md content you can access it with {{ section.content }}