I switched from “master” to “next” branch due to a bug with syntax highlighting, where setting the extra_syntaxes var in config.toml caused the builtin syntaxes to not be displayed. Now I’m getting this error:
Reason: Failed to render 'page.html' (error happened in a parent template)
Reason: Variable `config.feed_filename` not found in context while rendering 'page.html'
page.html extends index.html in the templates, here’s the offender in index.html:
{% if config.generate_feed %}
<link rel="alternate" type={% if config.feed_filename == "atom.xml" %}"application/atom+xml"{% else %}"application/rss+xml"{% endif %} title="RSS" href="{{ get_url(path=config.feed_filename) | safe }}">
{% endif %}
Obviously feed_filename is no longer valid in the “next” branch. Anyone know what I need to do to generate a feed and get the url?