Annoying redirect on /page/1

Firstly, thanks for this great static site generator!

I’m creating a small blog with it. I’m almost finished, but I noticed a small issue with the paginator. The link to [url]/page/1 redirects to [url] and, because of that, it causes the whole page to flicker (especially noticeable with a dark theme).

Not a big deal, but I was wondering if I did something wrong and if this could be avoided.

I’m using something basic to navigate through pages of posts, like this:

{% if paginator %}
    {% if paginator.previous or %}
        <a class="page-prev" href='{{ paginator.previous }}' {% if not paginator.previous %}disabled{% endif %}>&lt;</a>
        {% for pager in range(start=1, end=paginator.number_pagers+1) %}
        <a class="page-nbr" href='{{ paginator.base_url }}{{pager}}' {% if paginator.current_index==pager %}disabled{% endif %}>
        {% endfor %}
        <a class="page-next" href='{{ }}' {% if not %}disabled{% endif %}>&gt;</a>
    {% else %}
        <a class="page-nbr" href='{{ current_url }}' disabled>1</a>
    {% endif %}
{% endif %}


Curiously, the paginator.previous on page 2 is smart enough to yield [url] instead of [url]/page/1, so no flicker with this one. But if I use the default link to page 1, I get the redirect.

Why is there a redirect in the first place?

I started working on a work-around to avoid using [url]/page/1 but it’s tricky, I’m using this in a macro and I would have to pass the [url] as extra parameter because it’s not possible to recover it (or maybe by string manipulation, by removing the /page/1, if that’s possible at all in the limited macro language).

For now I’m using this workaround in the loop:

{% for pager in range(start=1, end=paginator.number_pagers+1) %}
    {% if pager == 1 %}
        <!-- FIX: Zola redirects /page/1 and makes the browser flash -->
        {% set prev = paginator.base_url ~ pager | trim_end_matches(pat="/page/1") %}
    {% else %}
        {% set prev = paginator.base_url ~ pager %}
    {% endif %}
    <a class="page-nbr" href='{{ prev }}' {% if paginator.current_index==pager %}disabled{% endif %}>
{% endfor %}