0.19 broke builds

After upgrading to 0.19 I am getting Test call 'containing' failed, even if I drop all these tests from the template:

Error: Failed to serve the site
Error: Failed to render section '/home/charlie/src/halve-z/content/_index.md'
Error: Reason: Failed to render 'index.html' (error happened in a parent template)
Error: Reason: Test call 'containing' failed
Error: Reason: Tester `containing` was called on an undefined variable

theme: halve-z/templates at trunk · charlesrocket/halve-z · GitHub
CI: fix(config): set `generate_feeds` · charlesrocket/halve-z@6696f1f · GitHub

Is there a way to get more info on the error?

In abridge I was getting a similar error using the containing terra function, it was because the feeds had changed:

just grep your site for containing and if you use that function for feeds, then also grep for feed

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fixed rss variables but still same results fix: update rss link · charlesrocket/halve-z@4f032d7 · GitHub :thinking:

looped over feeds filenames and it works now, thanks!