I have read the documentation pages carefully 3 times and built a sample site following the docs, that does almost everything I will want. And I think Zola is excellent, does what it needs to and no more. The developers deserve a big applause.
but this is the one thing I don’t get. for a blog page, when I do {{ __tera_context }}, I get
"lower": null, "higher": null,
I tried every parameter combination I could think of and could not find any place in the documentation that says these are not always defined. or conditions under which they might not be defined.
I know I am missing something blindingly obvious.
I am on the latest zola on a mac (from 5 days ago), installed from brew.
{% set assets = get_section(path="Assets/_index.md") %}
and that allows me to get the length, {{ assets.pages | length }}, access elements, {{ assets.pages[1].title }} and ultimately to put the next/last nav links on my posts, and have them roll over when at start/end.
But I assumed that is what lower/upper do automatically. Why I am puzzled why they are null. And this is super clumsy.
, all the best, and I am liking Zola more and more
and if anybody is looking for a worked out example.
If correct, might be be nice to put into the documentation.
{% set assets = get_section(path="Assets/_index.md") %}
{% set n = assets.pages |length %}
{% for i in range(end=n) %}
<h3>{{i}} {{ assets.pages[i].title}}</h3>
{% if assets.pages[i] == page %}
<h3> where we are at {{ page.title }}</h3>
{% set last=i-1 %}
{% set next=i+1 %}
{% if last<0 %}
{% set last=n-1 %}
{% if next> n-1 %}
{% set next=0 %}
<h3>last {{last}} {{ assets.pages[last].title}} | this {{ assets.pages[i].title}} | next {{next}} {{ assets.pages[next].title}} </h3>
{% endif%}
{% endfor %}