Allowing sorting by title

I am having a use case where it would be valuable for me to sort sections by the title in the front matter. Meaning sorting in alphabetical order.

After looking through the code base, I figured I could probably implement this change.

There are two hurdles I see:

  1. I would probably add another pair in the same sense as page.later/page.earlier and page.heavier/page.lighter. I saw in this pull request that and page.previous was removed. When sorting by title I would probably reintroduce them. I welcome any and all suggestions about better semantics.

  2. Is this something only I would have use for? I couldn’t see any other issues regarding this and I don’t know if this possibility exists in other static site generators.

Would this change be something that would be appreciated?


Sort by title would be useful for me. Also, would love to be able to sort by any metadata/frontmater on the page. I’ve got an item under [extra] that I’d like to sort by.

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I also need sorting by title. I have a section of my site that has a list of terms, so it is natural for its index page to sort the terms by title.

I’ve implemented sorting by title on my Zola fork:

PR created at Add sort_by title by xpe · Pull Request #1315 · getzola/zola · GitHub