Allow .html instead of .md for pages and sections

From reading this discussion I got the impression that raw=true was something that was available for use. For me shortcodes is an acceptable work around but just to point out for anyone coming after me that on zola 0.15.3 for me it is not working. Specifically 4 space indented lines still get parsed as code block so markdown processing appears to still be happening.

That shouldn’t be the case as now shortcode insertion happens out of the markdown processing. Do you have an example?

Yes but I already changed it. When I get back later I’ll do a minimal example.


I’ve created a minimal example.

It can be found here

and the output can be found here

Maybe I’m doing something wrong, if so please let me know.

Ah I see. Sadly this is commonmark spec… I wish there was a way to disable that though, it really sucks imo.

ok no problem, found a work around for now so I’m ok. Is there somewhere I can look to get more info on what raw=true does?

raw=true is not implemented